Sheng Pu'er "Secret Garden", Yule Village in Xishuangbanna Mountains, Spring 2022

Volume g

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Hidden deep in the Xishuangbanna Mountains, away from popular tourist and shopping routes, is a small village of the Yule people. There are no roads, but the locals have preserved their traditional way of life and are engaged in various handicrafts. Tea has been made here since ancient times.

For this sheng pu'er, we have taken tea leaf from the first spring harvest of 2022 from a local garden surrounded by dense forests. Everything here is full of life and breathes tranquility - bright colors of greenery, fragrance of tropical flowers....

Local climatic peculiarities form a unique bouquet of taste and aroma, and experience and fine craftsmanship are the key to perfect results. The leaf has been processed entirely by hand to best capture the bright, rich and yet surprisingly harmonious character of this tea.

We invite you to drink it just as the locals do - as fresh as possible, and over time you will be able to observe its further interesting and profound transformations.

The aroma of the dry leaf is mentholy and fresh. The warmed leaf has floral nectar, sweet exotic fruits. The flavor is iridescent, without viscosity and bitterness, with many shades and halftones.

Each sip intoxicates, envelops with warmth, calms the thoughts. In the shade of the trees of the secret garden, a tired traveler finds peace.