Ripe Pu'er Ku Zhu Shan “Guardian 2.0”

Volume g

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📍Ancient trees from Ku Zhu Shan Mountain, Jinggu County.

🌿 Fermentation was carried out in small-volume baskets.


Creamy and nutty, with confectionery notes: burnt brownie crust, condensed milk, chocolate sponge cake, and a hint of vanilla pod.


Grainy sweetness reminiscent of a “Kinder Country” bar, Neapolitan vanilla wafers, the astringency of grape seeds, a coppery tang, and the distinct flavor of Brazil nuts. The infusion is deep, smooth, and oily in texture.

Hui Gan (returning sweetness, 回甘) is pronounced — the tea starts fresh and sweet with a clean bitterness. The aftertaste lingers and evolves gradually: the bitterness recedes, the sweetness intensifies, and ultimately, the sweetness prevails over bitterness.


Focuses attention, gathers the mind, and energizes the body — a perfect balance!

Some deeply immersive ambient for an attentive and meditative tea ritual 🎶